20 April 2010

The End of Photophobia

Okay maybe thats too strong of a word.

I've met and have had the opportunity to talk to some very special people in my life. Never have I had the inclination to say, "hey let's have a picture taken together! I want to prove to people that I've met you!"

I've always believed that my reputation as a decent human being telling stories would be proof enough to say that I was telling the truth about my encounters.

Yabang, Grabe.

Change is good, and maybe this one I need to get done.

People I've had a conversation with and/or gotten close to but didn't get a photo simply because I didn't fee like it:

(NBA Asia Challenge dudes)
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Dominique Wilkens
Robert Horry
Vlade Divac
(Didn't get to talk with Tim Hardaway though, I'll be honest with that)

Same with local stars, I've met so many I've lost count. Aye.

Thanks to BJ Armstrong too, a real cool guy that was real easy to approach. Meeting you may have changed my life. In more ways than one. Let's talk.


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