29 August 2009

Beijing's Olympic building boom becomes a bust

Many buildings in the city's impressive skyline are empty.
By Barbara Demick
February 22, 2009

Reporting from Beijing — "Empty," says Jack Rodman, an expert in distressed real estate, as he points from the window of his 40th-floor office toward a silver-skinned prism rising out of the Beijing skyline.

"Beautiful building, but not a single tenant.

"Completely empty.


So goes the refrain as his finger skips from building to building, each flashier than the next, and few of them more than barely occupied.

Beijing went through a building boom in advance of the 2008 Summer Olympics that filled a staid communist capital with angular architectural feats that grace the covers of glossy design magazines.

Now, six months after the Games ended, the city continues to dazzle by night, with neon and floodlights dancing across the skyline. By day, though, it is obvious that many are "see-through" buildings, to use the term coined during the Texas real estate bust of the 1980s.

By Rodman's calculations, 500 million square feet of commercial real estate has been developed in Beijing since 2006, an amount larger than all of the office space in Manhattan. And that doesn't include huge projects developed by the government. He says 100 million square feet of office space is vacant -- a 14-year supply if it filled up at the same rate as in the best years, 2004 through 2006, when about 7 million square feet a year was leased.

"The scale of development was unprecedented anywhere in the world," said Rodman, a Los Angeles native who now lives in Beijing, running a firm called Global Distressed Solutions. "It defied logic. It just doesn't make sense."

Construction cranes jut into the skyline, but increasingly they are fixed in place, awaiting fresh financing before work resumes.

Boarded fences advertise coming attractions -- "an iconic landmark" or "international wonderland" -- that are in varying states of half-completion. A retail strip in one development advertised as "La Vibrant shopping street" is empty.

In a country where protests are rare, migrant workers stand in front of several construction projects, voicing their grievances.

"Our boss ran away with the money and he is nowhere to be found," said Li Zirong, a migrant worker from Shaanxi province, who was a supervisor on a stunning building with windows shaped like portholes.

"The lack of land reform fed into the real estate bubble and now it's coming back to haunt them," said Huang, author of "Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics," published last year. "There should have been more checks and balances on the ability of the government to acquire land."

The government spent $43 billion for the Olympics, nearly three times as much as any other host city. But many of the venues proved too big, too expensive and more photogenic than practical for ongoing use.

The National Stadium, known as the Bird's Nest, has only one event scheduled for 2009: a performance of the opera "Turandot" on Aug. 8, the one-year anniversary of the Olympic opening ceremony. China's leading soccer club backed out of a deal to play there, saying it would be an embarrassment to use a 91,000-seat stadium for games that ordinarily attract only 10,000 spectators. The venue, which costs $9 million a year to maintain, is expected to be turned into a shopping mall after several years, it owners announced last month.

A baseball stadium that opened last spring with an exhibition game between the Dodgers and the San Diego Padres, is being demolished. Its owner says it also will use the land for a shopping mall.

Among the major Olympic venues, only the National Aquatics Center, nicknamed the Water Cube, has had a productive afterlife. It's now used for sound-and-light shows, with dancing fountains in the swimming lanes where Michael Phelps won his gold medals.

All around the Olympic complex, there are cavernous empty buildings, such as the main press center for the Games, that still await office tenants.

A shopping arcade that stretches for a quarter of a mile across the street from the complex is empty, the storefronts papered over with signs reading "famous stores corridor."

"They wanted to building 'the world's biggest this' and 'the world's biggest that,' but these buildings have almost zero long-term economic benefit," economist Huang said.

Moreover, the makeover of Beijing for the Olympics led to an estimated 1.5 million residents being evicted from their homes, according to the Geneva-based Center on Housing Rights and Evictions.

In this vibrant capital city of 17 million, there is an insatiable demand for housing, yet prices remain far out of reach of most residents. American-style free-standing homes are being advertised for more than $1 million in gated communities with names like Versailles, Provence, Arcadia and Riviera. Within the Fourth Ring Road, a beltway that defines the central part of the city, two- and three-bedroom apartments are offered for $800,000 in compounds named Central Park and Riverside.

"These are like New York prices, but we are Chinese. We don't have that kind of money," said Zhang Huizhan, a 55-year-old businessman who owns a Chinese furniture factory. He has been looking for five years for an apartment for him and his wife within their budget of $150,000.

The average salary in Beijing is under $6,000 a year.

Louis Kuijs, a senior economist at the World Bank in Beijing, said a lack of government supervision of the real estate industry tempted developers to build only for the luxury market and to ignore the mass market.

"If you think demand is endless for anything you build and you have just 200 square meters of land, you will build high-end apartments to make the highest profit," Kuijs said.

To its credit, the government recognized in 2007 that the real estate market was headed toward a bubble, economists say. In an attempt to make real estate more affordable, restrictions were introduced on ownership of second homes and on foreign home buyers. But the measures came too late, accelerating the crash of an already weakening market.

The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics reported this month that housing sales in the city dropped 40% last year. Chinese economists have predicted that housing prices will drop 15% to 20% in Beijing this year. Shanghai has experienced a similar decline.

"You can look at this perhaps as a healthy correction in the market," Kuijs said.

In the longer term, he said, "China's urbanization and overall development is going to lead to a very large additional demand for housing in the city."

Before that happens, the situation could get worse. Most of the real estate has been financed by Chinese banks, which have avoided writing down the loans. Eventually, they will be forced to, and that probably will have a ripple effect throughout the economy.

"At the end, somebody is going to have to pay the piper," real estate expert Rodman said.



24 August 2009

International Takeover

“I’m wearing a blue shirt”
Sam Ekwa uttered those words as he arrived, waiting for Coach Jude Roque to identify him and pick him up at the airport.
“Sam, you’re a 6’8” Nigerian in the Philippines” said Coach Jude. “You’re not that hard to find”
Sure, it was funny three years ago, as the arrival of Sam Ekwe literally changed the game. Big Sam eventually led San Beda College to three straight championships, dominating and playing like a man amongst boys, and winning the Most Valuable Player award twice in the process while increasing the level of play of San Beda College.
Everyone noticed.
Now, everywhere you look in the college basketball scene in the Philippines there’s always some guy who looks a little out of place.
Almost half the teams in the two big college leagues have international players, current, and or under residency.
UAAP Schools
NCAA Schools
Long (USA) Burke (USA)
San Beda
Daniel (USA)
La Salle
Ferdinand (Indonesia)
Batricevic (Serbia – injured)
San Sebastian
Noundou (Cameroon)
Jose Rizal U
Njei (Nigeria)
Etame (Cameroon)
Darryl Green (USA)
Gingerich (USA)
Alinko* (Nigeria)
Eriobu (Nigeria, senior high school player for Altalettes)
Manyara (Kenya)
Mbe (Cameroon, residency after stay in EAC)
Fotue (Cameroon – eligibility forfeited)
Angeles U
* Indicates “Team B” player taking up residency.
Most recruited players are big men. With the Filipino’s fetish for height, schools have literally scoured the globe (usually in even poorer countries compared to the Philippines) in search for that game changing tall guy who could save their program, their jobs and their credibility.
There have been whispers that NU, now under the control of SM and the Sy family, may even head on to China to look for their precious prized recruit. Wouldn’t that be something!
There are of course, a few exemptions to the rule. Kirk Long, a Caucasian from a Missionary’s high school Faith Academy teams up with fellow white guy and son of a pastor Vince Burke Jr. for the Ateneo Blue Eagles. Moriah “Mo” Gingerich, who also hails from the same high school, struts his stuff across Katipunan for the UP Fighting Maroons.
Hey wait a minute! I almost forgot, Ateneo has an international coach in Norman Black too. The plot thickens. But for now let’s concentrate on the players though.
There are simply two camps in this argument: the PRO-International Students-Athletes and the ANTI-International Students-Athletes.
The PRO-International Students Athletes argue that the school is giving a free education to these players and that caters to the basic function of a school: educating. They argue that their participation collegiate basketball is just an added benefit. That the Nigerians, Cameroonians, and what have you are there to get an education first.
Also, sports leaders claim that having ‘better’ international players increases the level of play of the local game and thus increases the quality of the players in the long run.
Both statements have valid points but we have to look at the other side of the coin before we draw to conclusions.
The ANTI-International Student Athletes on the other hand, cry foul on the international student athletes taking away roster spots for locals. With only 18 major schools in the country giving away scholarships, that’s less than 300 scholarships to be competed against by more than three million basketball loving college students in the country. That’s one in ten thousand students.
So far there has been action in the control of the influx on international players. There’s the two year residency rule. Which makes perfect sense, so that the players can get acquainted with the culture and surroundings before they officially suit up. Then there is also the maximum of two international players per team, with one on the court at the same time rule. Except for a few miscues early on, this seems pretty effective in maintaining the ‘Filipino’ game.
The basketball leaders in the country should take a long hard look at what’s going on and re-assess the rules they have for the college game. It won’t be long before international student athletes win all the championships, claim all the major awards and dominate the scene. Schools won’t win championships based on their superior basketball skills; it will be based on their superior scouting and recruiting.
And in the near future, if you happened to bump into a basketball coach at the airport frantically searching for someone, be worried if he utters these words:
“So, uhh, what colored shirt are you wearing?”

21 August 2009

Shakey's V-League History (incomplete)

Conference - Champs vs 2nd Place - League MVP / Finals MVP

1st Con - UST  vs La Salle  - Unknown - Unknown

1st Con - La Salle  vs UST - Unknown - Unknown
2nd Con - La Salle vs UST - Unknown - Unknown

1st Con - La Salle vs SSC-R - Macatangay (Adamson) / Bualee (SSC-R)

1st Con - UST vs SSC-R - Bualee (SSC-R) / Balse (UST)
2nd Con - UST vs SSC-R - Kesinee (Ateneo) /Bernal (UST)

1st Con - Adamson vs Ateneo - Bautista (AdU) / Laguilles (AdU)
2nd Con - SSC-R vs UST - Latigay (SSC-R) / Roces (SSC-R)

1st Con - UST vs SSC-R - Balse (UST) / Dimaculangan (UST)
2nd Con - Starts October 2009!

Most Championships
4 - UST
3 - La Salle
1 - SSC-R
1 - Adamson

Most Finals Appearances
7 - UST
5 - SSC-R
4 - La Salle
1 - Adamson
1 - Ateneo